Rheumatology is the treatment of diseases that affect the bones, joints, muscles, and soft tissues of the musculoskeletal system. These diseases can cause chronic pain, swelling, stiffness, and joint damage. Many of the conditions treated by a rheumatologist are considered autoimmune disorders. This is a group of disorders where a person’s immune system is over-active and can cause excess inflammation in parts of the body.
Retisha Reddy, MD is trained in Internal Medicine and Rheumatology, as well as Integrative and Lifestyle Medicine.
Henry Townsend, MD is trained in Internal Medicine and Rheumatology, as well as dermatology.
To learn more about Rheumatology, please visit Dr. Reddy’s profile and Dr. Townsend's profile or request information online. Dr. Reddy practices at our Junius location and Dr. Townsend practices at our Plano location. They are available for both in person and virtual meet and greet visits with potential patients.